life issues

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Real life includes days of joy and wonder...and days of sadness and frustration. Emotions you are feeling; situations you are facing - the Bible speaks to them all...helping you successfully deal, and thrive, in the real world!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Holy Happiness - Part 2

What makes you happy?  As a Christian, what should make you happy?

This is the second installment in a series about being and experience true, lasting happiness in our lives.  In this study I want to examine the Path of Holy Happiness.  There is a route, a path we can travel, that provides happiness.  And by happiness, I do not mean the emotion of happiness that can ebb and flow so quickly.  But rather, we are learning about that deep within us sense of blessedness and joy that nothing can ever take away.

Here is what the Bible says about this path:

Happy is the man who finds wisdom and who acquires understanding.” (Proverbs 3:13)

As we are being obedient to Fear, Trust and Obey God (see part one in this series), there is a path we can walk that will provide happiness/blessings into our life.  According to this verse, what is the path of happiness?  Answer: the path of Wisdom.

Chapter 1 of Proverbs contrasts the paths of the evil/violent/wicked, and the path of Wisdom.  You need to think of this as two different trails through life.  One trail will lead to destruction, and much pain and suffering.  The other, to life, blessings and apparently, happiness!

How do you travel the path of Wisdom?  What does this mean?

According to the verse, Wisdom is something we “find;” something we have to “acquire.”  So this says: Wisdom is not something we just naturally possess.

We are not born wise.  We are not born with understanding.

Wisdom and understanding must be acquired; must be found.  Both actions suggest effort on our part.  There are verses in Scripture that speak of God just literally pouring abundance into our laps.  Apparently, this is not the case with Wisdom.

We must work at it; we must pursue; we must put in the effort to find and acquire Wisdom.

So why would we want to?  Why put in the effort required to find and acquire Wisdom?

Solomon tells us.

In the next five verses, instead of talking about the PATH TO Wisdom, he discusses the WORTH OF Wisdom.

“…for she is more profitable than silver, and her revenue is better than gold.” (vs. 14)

Solomon writes two things about Wisdom:

1.      More profitable than silver
2.      Revenue better than gold

Why are these significant?  They are the currency and chief concern of their day.  You had to have them.  Everyone wanted them.  And this was not just in Solomon’s day; but in ours as well.

He continues…

She is more precious than jewels; nothing you desire compares with her.” (vs. 15)

Two more things he states:

1.      More precious than jewels
2.      Nothing compares

Gold and silver were vital, but the really wealthy displayed jewels.  Gold and silver were necessary currency and desired, but jewels were much more highly prized.  They were held as precious.  Gold and silver you would use to buy and sell.  But jewels were collected and admired; highly prized.

And yet Solomon said Wisdom was much more precious than prized jewels.  Indeed, NOTHING we desire compares to Her.

So Wisdom is worth more than silver, gold, jewels or anything else we desire.  Why?
Look at the next verse.

Long life is in her right hand; in her left, riches and honor.” (vs. 16)

What two things does Solomon say about Wisdom in this verse?

1.      Long life in Her right hand
2.      Riches and honor in Her left hand

Do you see why Wisdom is more valuable than silver, gold, jewels or anything thing else we might desire?  First, She has riches and honor in Her hand.  And the imagery of Her hands is that they are open, reaching out toward us to give what She has.  Not closed, clinging to these things.

So all the wealth and pretty/precious things we think we need, She has.  And She gives them to those who find Her!  Instead of sweating and worrying over how to grow rich; give your effort to finding Wisdom and acquiring understanding.  Riches and Honor are in Her hand.  Find Her, and you will find what you really desire and need, in the area of riches and honor.

Second, Wisdom has long-life in Her other hand.  Ever known anyone who work hard to become successful, so hard in fact, that it killed them?  Have you ever been stressed out over work, or your income, paying the bills, accumulating wealth, etc.?

Imagine a life instead, of working to become wise – and all these other things just being given to you!  Instead of working yourself nearly to death for money, receiving life; the Bible says literally, “length of days.”

Obviously, this is a different way of thinking and focusing each day.

Oh, but there is even more.  Look at the next verse:

Her ways are pleasant, and all her paths, peaceful.” (vs. 17)

This life Wisdom gives: 1) its ways are pleasant; and 2) its paths are peaceful!

Doesn’t that sound wonderful?  A life of pleasantness and peace!  How is this possible; to have such a life?  Only by finding wisdom; by pursuing understanding will you have such a life.

Solomon summarized this section with …

She is a tree of life to those who embrace her, and those who hold on to her are happy.” (vs. 18)

Finding Wisdom is the first step – that’s what verse 13 started off with.  Happy is the man who finds wisdom.”  What is the second step on the path of happiness?

Embracing Her and holding onto Her.

The image is of one of INTIMACY and CLINGING.  Do this with Wisdom, and be happy.

Travel the path of finding and acquiring Wisdom and understanding, and you will find a real and lasting happiness – you will discover Holy Happiness!

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