Happiness & Discipline
All Christians have available to them a deep-seated joy, peace and contentment…a happiness unknown by the world. This happiness is more profound and meaningful than plain emotional happiness, for emotions rise and fall as often as the tides at the shore. Emotional happiness comes and goes – happy one minute, not so much the next.
But the happiness Christians have available is not so transient. It stays around; in fact, as a Christian walks with Jesus this happiness never leaves nor ebbs away. I call this: Holy Happiness.
Christians are not immune to trials, problems, struggles and like issues in this life. Sometimes these things seek to rob us of our Holy Happiness. Often I’m amazed how quickly we give in to our emotional state, instead of leaning on our permanent state.
So what seeks to rob you of your Holy Happiness? What are some things in this life that try to take it away from you? And how should you respond? Is it even possible to have or maintain Holy Happiness in the face of these issues?
There are several issues in life, common to us all, that we might think would negatively impact our Holy Happiness. In this, and the next couple of sessions, I want to look at a few of them and see how we can maintain our Holy Happiness when they occur; possibly even increase it!
Issue for this session is: discipline.
Not one of our favorite words! From the time we are toddlers, we are disciplined. Our parents disciplined us (if they were good parents). Teachers disciplined us. Maybe other adults had oversight of us and would discipline us from time to time. Life was controlled and we were disciplined regularly.
Did you ever have to stand in the hall? Have detention? Or get sent to the principal’s office? Was it a “happy” experience? Probably not.
By those situations we have been conditioned to respond a certain way to discipline; from whomever it comes or no matter the circumstances. We have been conditioned to respond negatively when someone tries to discipline us.
So how do we respond when the one administering the discipline is God?
Too often, too many of us respond in the same way we have become conditioned to respond… with negativity, resentment, sometimes bitterness and often anger. Is that the proper response to God when He desires to discipline you?
So why do we? And, what is the proper response?
Now remember, what we are learning is a new way to look at discipline – particularly God’s discipline. What we are going to learn goes against years of conditioning, so it may not be easy to change your perspective and responses. But we must try…especially if we want to get the benefit God intends when He disciplines.
Let’s look first at Job 5:17. Two translations of this verse are below:
“See how happy the man is God corrects.” (HCSB)
“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth.” (KJV)
Any time the Bible uses words like “See” and “Behold,” it is trying to draw our attention to something important. In other words: “Pay Attention!” the Bible says.
So, what is it we are to see?
Simply this: the man God corrects is happy! This doesn’t make any sense. We know how awful discipline can be. But again, this is a new perspective: when God disciplines you, the knowledge that He is doing so, or has done so, should elate you! Your elation comes not from the experience, but from knowing two things about the experience:
(1) The Reason
Why does God discipline us? Simple answer: Because He loves us!
Proverbs 3:11-12 teaches us: “Do not despise the Lord’s instruction, my son, and do not loathe His discipline; for the Lord disciplines the one He loves, just a father, the son he delights in.”
Because He loves us – indeed, delights in us – He disciplines us when we need it!
Read Hebrews 12:7-11. From this passage you will learn another important truth: God does not discipline the lost; He only disciplines His own.
So if you are being disciplined by God, rejoice indeed! It is proof that you are a member of the family and more importantly, proof that He loves you, delights in you, and wants the best possible for you. This is the reason He disciplines.
(2) The Result
The result of God’s discipline is equally amazing. At least four things we see that God’s discipline accomplishes, or produces, in our lives.
a. Correcting
We just read that Job 5:17 states that the man who is happy is the one who God corrects.
Why is this true? Well not only because it shows His love for you; but because His correction helps you walk the path of abundance, blessings, purpose and meaning in this life.
He only disciplines when we need it; and only to the extent that we require.
So if you are getting off the path – veering astray, even if slightly so – isn’t it good to have God come along and guide us back to the right way? Of course it is! He corrects us, which helps us be more impactful and effective as His children.
b. Teaching
Lord, happy in the man You discipline and teach from Your law to give him relief from troubled times until a pit is dug for the wicked. (Psalm 94:12-13)
The second benefit we receive from God’s discipline is His teaching.
In correcting, He leads us back to the right path. In teaching, He helps us understand and apply a deeper knowledge of Him, His will for our lives, and all the aspects of being a child of His.
Correcting helps us not do wrong, but do right. Teaching helps us know what right is, why it’s important, and how it all fits together.
Through discipline, God corrects and He teaches us. Walking the right path, and understanding ever more, should make us happy!
c. Relieving
“…to give him relief from troubled times…” (Psalm 94:13a)
Notice a key fact in this passage: troubled times are not necessarily times of God’s discipline! Everybody experiences trouble in this life – at some point, in some way. Everyone does, whether a Christian or not.
Troubled times are not necessarily times of God’s discipline. They might be. Certainly the Scriptures are clear that He can and does use all things for good – for His glory and the advancement of His plan.
But sometimes, troubles are just that…troubles; problems common to man.
What this verse says is really rather remarkable. God’s discipline gives relief from troubled times! Sometimes it does so by correcting – getting us back on the right path so we stop experiencing the troubles so much. Sometimes perhaps through teaching – helping us understand the troubles we are in, or at least helping us endure them.
Whatever the process, God’s discipline brings relief during troubled times.
This is very counter-intuitive. But if this verse is right, then the next time you are experiencing life’s troubles you should ask for God’s discipline! Give it a try, and let me know how it turns out for you!
d. Sustaining
“…until a pit is dug for the wicked…” (Psalm 94:13b)
The benefit of God’s discipline is not so clearly seen in this part of the verse, but it’s there. The verse speaks of an end to the time of suffering; an end to the time of the wicked being free to wreck havoc. It implies a day when troubled times will end.
But until that time comes, what is implied is that God’s discipline will sustain us through these days of darkness and wickedness on the earth.
Do you see that? “…relief…until….” God’s discipline sustains us while walking through this life. You could say it keeps us until the day of rejoicing and victory.
So what have we learned?
Should God’s discipline cause us to lose even an iota of our Holy Happiness? No. In fact, just the opposite. Realizing His discipline brings into our lives…
· Correcting – moving us back to the right path;
· Teaching – helping us understand more of Him;
· Relieving – making troubled times more bearable; and,
· Sustaining – carrying us through to the day of glory;
Should make us…well… Happy!
So instead of discipline robbing of us our Holy Happiness; it adds to it! Isn’t that remarkable?! And isn’t that just like God?!!!
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